Monday, 28 July 2008

Sand People

Aparantly the word sand people is seen as so racist it gives you another 2 weeks restricted posting of theologyweb however why it is racist? All im saying is that the bible was written by people who were stupid irespective of their skin color.

I also had this brainwave over the last week. I saw a 3 for the price of 1 offer in a shop and thought that they do this to try and sell stuff. Maybe the first xians were trying a similar tactic in coming up with the trinity.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
Welcome back. You said that you were banned from Tweb, but howcome you didn't post to your blog during that time?

Anyway, are they "people" or "sand people" (meaning that they are made out of sand)?

Why do you feel that there was a need to describe?
If i'm walking down the street, and there was only one man sharing the street with me, i wouldn't say, "there was a white (or black, or red or yellow or green) man walking towards me", i would say, "hi".

God Bless and welcome back,

Anonymous said...

Isnt 'sand people' another term for the Tuscan raiders on Tatonie? meh regardless when I hear the term I cant help but think of the fremen from Dune.

Anywho now taht I'm dont showing off how big a nerd I am to business:

"I also had this brainwave over the last week. I saw a 3 for the price of 1 offer in a shop and thought that they do this to try and sell stuff. Maybe the first xians were trying a similar tactic in coming up with the trinity."

I fail to see how the two relate. Perhaps you could explain what sort of tactic they were trying?

Anonymous said...

If you really are too stupid to figure out how your comment was racist, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for you.

MrFreeThinker said...

//Isnt 'sand people' another term for the Tuscan raiders on Tatonie? meh regardless when I hear the term I cant help but think of the fremen from Dune.//
My sentiments exactly.

Anonymous said...

If you merely meant to call them stupid why bring up the fact that they live in the desert? Why do you seem to think living in a desert climate makes them stupid?

I'm sure the people of Baja, California and other places would object.

Btw, are you aware of the racial epithet, "sand nigger"....?

But nevertheless, it's hardly the simple fact that you said sand people that got you banned. It's that on top of the 17 points you had already accrued for your breaking of the rules which you claimed that you agreed to when you joined theology web including your flagrant blasphemy after multiple warnings.

Anonymous said...

"I'm sure the people of Baja, California and other places would object."

Not to mention the native inhabitants of Arrackas.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! And what about the
Beach Boys??!!

MrFreeThinker said...

//I also had this brainwave over the last week.//
Thank god- i was worrying about you mike

FiFi said...

"It's that on top of the 17 points you had already accrued for your breaking of the rules which you claimed that you agreed to when you joined theology web including your flagrant blasphemy after multiple warnings."

Hang on, is disagreeing with Christians all it takes to blaspheme? Thought you lot were open-minded? Or is that just what you like to tell yourselves?

Mike's just having a laugh with you lot but you're all sooooo sensitive to it. If you lot were cats, you'd be washing so frantically the noise would be deafening :-D

MrFreeThinker said...

-MikeWright used words like "skydaddy" repeatedly even after the mods told him he was disallowed to use them.
On a lighter note Why don't you come join us a Tweb.We could debate or discuss god or anything.

Anonymous said...

Hang on, is disagreeing with Christians all it takes to blaspheme? Thought you lot were open-minded? Or is that just what you like to tell yourselves?

We have plenty of atheist on T web that don't get banned. All they have to do is follow the rules.

Mike's just having a laugh with you lot but you're all sooooo sensitive to it. If you lot were cats, you'd be washing so frantically the noise would be deafening :-D

You and mikey have some really odd fantasies, don't you? No, that isn't us at all. Think of it more along the lines of a house guest who keeps putting their feet on the furniture despite being asked repeatedly not do that and after awhile, they get thrown out and go whine about it to you. He signed on agreeing to our rules and he can't follow them, so why should he be allowed in our forum?

Anonymous said...

We do not mod people for disagreeing with us, as my colleague pointed out.

We do mod for saying things like, "your sky daddy smells of poo and Jebus was an idiot". You think that's a victimless crime? Fine. Go start your own forum where you can do that unnecessary, inflammatory rhetoric all you want. But if you want to come to our house, YOU OBEY OUR RULES! GOT IT?

Mike is a liar. He ticked the box saying he understood and agreed with our rules before he joined. If he did not, he should not have joined.

Also, you misread my original post, the 17 (now 21) points were not all for blasphemy, though most were. He also argued with moderation in the thread in which he was moderated on several occasions as well as posting in the commentary thread on his debate before he was finished with the debate itself.