Friday, 5 December 2008

Media unbiased for once....

Normally the media are very biased against atheists and so it is nice to see this short radio program be less biased. They interview Sam Harris and mix in clips of how unfair the media is towards atheists. For example why is it that comedians only ever joke about atheists however never crack jokes about religion? Or why do the media think that everyone converts to theism when they are about to die? Or why do the media always make out that atheists are imoral when people like sam harris have written books pointing out that theists are less moral and intelligent than athests?

If you havent got time to listen, then you can read a transcript here


Anonymous said...

Mike, that wasn't less bias.
The bias was just favorable towards athiests.


Anonymous said...

I've heard plenty of cracks towards religion by comedians. Mikey's whining is pretty entertaining though.

Anonymous said...

yea casuse its not Bill Mahr hasnt made a movie making fun of religion or anything...

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, I cant think of a single Comideian whos made fun of athiests. Where as George Carlin and Bill Mahr, as well as tv shows like South Park and The Simpsons all openly mock religion.

Anonymous said...

Eh, I've heard there's a duo of South Park Episodes that completely thrashes Atheism.

Anonymous said...

I'v only watched South Park like twice and found it offensive without being funny(I'm not opposed to offensive humor so long as its funny). So I wouldnt really know about it making fun of athiests.

But regardless the show became infamous for consistantly mocking religion(among other things).