Monday, 1 December 2008

Why I blog

People seem to be asking why I bother blogging. Well I want people to see the light and truth of science and reason and logic. I hope that by presenting logically watertight arguments people will abandon their bronze age superstition and misinformation. I also get satisfaction out of using my brain to the full. You know how when you play chess (well I dont really play but ive been told this is what it is like) and youve play a really cunning move and you sit there waiting for your oponent to realise your brilliance. Well thats how I feel when I blog.

I use words like skydaddy to make you think how stupid theism is. My aim is for any intelligent person who visits my blog to go away an atheist.


Anonymous said...

You're just opening yourself up for ridicule with that post.

Anonymous said...

Is that the feeling you get when you confidently call out 'check mate' only to find the other player takes your queen, laughs and declares, "no it's not, however I've just check mated you!"

Anonymous said...

"My aim is for any intelligent person who visits my blog to go away an atheist."

Forget about the unintelligent people eh Mike? Why waste your time on the ignorant.

Chaotic Void said...

Well, if that's your purpose, then you're doing a really crappy job.