Saturday, 7 February 2009

Good news everyone...I'm back

Yes, my internet appears to be working again (it turned out that someone had pulled out the internet wire from the back of my computer. Or maybe it fell out. Ill never know)

In the meantime, I have loads of good arguments that ive been working on. I wint reveal them all at once as i go for the slow release rather than the machine gun effect. Lets start with this genius effort of mine:

1. your sky daddy would choose the best point in history to reveal himself/herself
2.The best point in history is the one where scientists are most able to verify his/her authentity/existance
3.The best time to prove if someone if a sky daddy will be when science can put probes in someones head and detect with 100% acuracy if they are lying
4. Science cannot put probes in someones head yet and so have no way of know if someone really is the son of a sky daddy
5.Therefore your sky daddy hasnt revealed themselves in history yet
6. Xianity claims that jebus was their sky daddy revealing himself, when logically a real sky daddy would be still wating for science to invent head probes
7.therefore your silly religion isnt true


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike, welcome back.

You call your latest effort, genius? I doubt that many would agree.

Let's take a look..

1. your sky daddy would choose the best point in history to reveal himself/herself

I think we can grant you this point.

2.The best point in history is the one where scientists are most able to verify his/her authentity/existance

Here's where you break down though. It's a shame, cuz you were off to a blazing start..

In order for you #2 to be valid, you would have to prove that your claim to the "best time" were more true than the Omniscient God's idea of "the best time"... in other words, you would have to know what God's plan was, in order to evaluate the timing.

3.The best time to prove if someone if [is] a sky daddy will be when science can put probes in someones head and detect with 100% acuracy if they are lying

Again, what is God's plan? Does He want to reveal, to Mike Wright, that He exists? And, does God want to reveal to Mike, at this time? Not to mention, does God want to reveal to Mike Wright, in this manner of using probes?

4. Science cannot put probes in someones head yet and so have no way of know if someone really is the son of a sky daddy

And Mike, you are also missing a few pieces to the puzzle...
God's Word says that Jesus the Christ will return, so just because you couldn't stick your imaginary probes into Jesus head, 2,000 yrs or so, ago, does not deny that Jesus did not live, nor does your argument refute the claim that Jesus is God.

5.Therefore your sky daddy hasnt revealed themselves in history yet

Repeat after me, Mike... Mike has not reached the 'therefore' stage. Mike's argument needs a bit of tweaking.

6. Xianity claims that jebus was their sky daddy revealing himself, when logically a real sky daddy would be still wating for science to invent head probes

Mike, you haven't come close to establishing anything. Here's the deal Mike... Jesus, being God, could have revealed Himself in any number of ways. That He chose the way He chose, only means that that's the way He chose.
He also tells us that He has a plan. For that plan to be achieved, it must be followed.

7.therefore your silly religion isnt true

Mike, this new effort fails... sorry dude, but bring out your next effort for evaluation.


Participant X said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Lol sorry, my sister's account was still logged in.

Welcome back Mike.

Feel free to pop round and contribute, could do with some more "lolzzz".

And Johnny, I know things are getting a lil mean towards pixie over at mine, but she's brought it on herself with her attitude. And chances are she doesn't even consider it to be "mean" anyway - so what's the harm?

Anonymous said...

Ya, CC, sorry for contributing to the filth. I had a inkling of an idea that i would "cesspool", which was why i chose to stay out.. (even though i'm a hypocrite and jumped right in).

As you have guessed, this isn't the first time she and i have disagreed about 'riposte'. As you know, i don't think it is invalid, but some of the people think it's a "shoot first, ask questions later" game.... they truly have the attitude that they need to humiliate their opposition, and that will further Christianity.
I think i mentioned to you before, that i had withdrawn from tweb for a while, to study it better... one particular set of verses, actually. The reason that i had actually backed down, was that one person that i highly respected, supported their position. Because of my respect for him, i wanted to look closer at my view... so far, i don't think it needs revision (my actions may need to be, as evidenced by my conduct).

At any rate, from now on i'll try to discuss around future cesspool play, and not participate.
