Monday, 16 February 2009


If somebody followed whereever you went would they be a stalker?
If somebody watched you on the toilet and having sex would they be a pervert?

So what is it again that xians say about there sky daddy? Oh yeah, theat theyre always watching them....


Anonymous said...

Speaking of stalkers, have you seen Twilight? Man I hated that movie.

Anonymous said...

I heard a funny thing yesterday. The guy was talking about Cat and Dog Theology. He said when you come home the dog runs up to greet you and licks you and is so excited to see. The cat may look in your direction, but goes about his business. He said the dog says man this being feeds me, and bathes me, and takes care of me he must be god. The cat says man this being feeds me, and bathes me, and takes care of me I must be god. It is all in one's perspective. You are a cat Mike. You expect the Triune God, the Creator of heaven and earth to operate according to your infantile intellect. It does not work that way.

If you are a parody have a good laugh over my post.

Anonymous said...

I must say this is a pretty good forum to discuss things with amusing individuals. I know you are all about defeating the theists, but do you think you could broaden the topics of your posts? I would appreciate it. I mean I enjoy your rants that you think mystify Christians, but how about a little variety?

Anonymous said...

I used to have an album entitled 'The Many Facets of Roger.' I cannot remember who Roger was or if Roger was entertaining, but evidently this Roger fellow thought he had many musical talents to offer and the album was his chosen vehicle to display said talents. I was wondering could you have a weekly post entitled 'The Many Facets of Mike." That way your avid fans could get to know you better. It would be even better if you started another blog to deal with the whole you and if I were you I would entitle it 'The Many Facets of Mike.' It is just a thought. Let me know what you think.

Anonymous said...

It would be a good thing if all the anonymous authors identified themselves so we had a good grasp on how many there are.

I am Anonymous #1

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mike another thought. Why not write a book? I mean if Rick Warren would let you you could call it: 'The Purpose Driven Atheist.' or 'The Evo. Driven Atheist.' I mean I would not go with lame titles like 'Why I am not a Christian.' Let me know.

Anonymous #1 to be known from now on as A.1. Steak Sauce

John W. Locust said...

"If somebody watched you on the toilet and having sex would they be a pervert?"

Sorry Mike, have to disagree with you on that one. I actually enjoy watching other people having sex, and I am by no means a pervert. People get paid to do that stuff because they obviously love what they do. Another thing to keep in mind is that I got kinky with a stripper during my long-past marriage. Most people would say that I'm a "pervert", I prefer to be labeled as a womanizer, thank you very much.

- John

FiFi said...

Mr Locust - you may be a womaniser, you may enjoy watching other people having sex. To each their own. However, how would you feel about somebody watching you???

I'm all a bit of for porn myself, but what I do behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.

Do you think I'm a cat or a dog?? I think a cat.

I'd quite fancy trying to be a hen, if nobody minds?