Wednesday, 13 January 2010

everything needs a cause?

now theists will claim that the universe must of been created by something because universes dont apear out of nowhere and for no reason. They say that everything apart from there sky daddy must have a cause. apart from begging the question - who made their sky daddy? - the claim that everything must have a cause is also false. Things often happen for no reason and without a cause. For example computers will stop working without a cause or my house keys will go missing when i most need them only to turn up later without any aparant cause

1 comment:

johnny said...

Hi Mike,

The argument is "everything that has a beginning, has a cause. The universe had a beginning, therefore it had a cause".

You said, "- the claim that everything must have a cause is also false."

Start over Mike... neither the theist nor you are saying that EVERYTHING must have a cause. First, you are saying the claim is false. Second, the Christian theist is claiming God had no beginning.... so, like i said, "start over Mike".

You said, "Things often happen for no reason and without a cause."

Both of your examples a funny, but incorrect.

Example one: "For example computers will stop working without a cause"

Stay off sites that harbor viruses, Mike. ;)

Example 2, part 1: "or my house keys will go missing when i most need them"

lol... ummm, could we say that your needing the ubiquitous keys is the cause that they go missing? LOL or, perhaps someone just misplaced them?

ex.2 part 2: "only to turn up later without any aparant cause"

That you don't know the cause does not show that there is no cause, however, if the universe had a beginning (and it must have), there must have been a cause. Aside from your ubiquitous keys, there is no free lunch. There either is an infinite regress or there is a Necessary Being.

To put it a different way:

"The fundemental law of physics is that nothing physical is this world (universe) explains it's own existence. No matter how you section physical, concrete reality, it will never explain it's own existence." ~~ Ravi Zacharias

later dude,