Tuesday, 10 June 2008

why do xians lie?

Why is it that xians lie all the time. There is this guy called david robertson who wrote a book called the dakins letters (he has the nerve to charge for it but it is also free on the internet however i wont link to it because i wouldnt want to publisise it) Anyway, he pops up in Richard Dawkins website now and again lying all the time. Look at his posts

Here are some of his lies:

->he made up all the quotes on the back of his book recommending it
->he once paid a dud cheque to someone knowing it would go into his overdraft
->he said he is an xian then posted on a sunday
->he said richard dawkins commisioned a response to his book when richard dawkins only asked paul kirkby and no money was exchanged.
->he claims he never lies and that we have no evidence for these acusations

now why is it xians lie all the time? anyway, going on richard dawkins website has backfired on him as people have now gone and written bad reviews of his book on amazon and his publishers site


Anonymous said...

that's a good question, Mike. I often ask myself (not necessarily using Paul's words) "why i do that which i know is wrong, and why do i not do that which i know is right?"
Paul struggled with this too.

But, according to my understanding of God's Word, these are Sins that are forgiven, because i trust that Jesus paid my penalty to God, for me.

Here's a few questions for you, Mike...

According to your atheism...

What makes things actually wrong (immoral)?

What retribution does your atheism have, to correct for wrongs (immoral behaviors done to you)?

Why are you upset over lying (from anyone, including Christians)?

Why were you upset with LPoT, for her accusing you of lying?

For what it's worth, i think she overstepped her bounds, demanding an apology from you... especially since she didn't offer one to you, for her mistake..... but hey, she's human too, and since she is a Christian, her sins are forgiven by Christ.

Interesting concept, eh Mike? Jesus can forgive Me and Pixie for wrongs we commit toward other people.... what gives Him the Authority?

I pray that you also might come to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and that your Sins are also forgiven.

God Bless,

Mike is Wright said...

so are you saying that its ok to make up some quotes for the back of your book and then when people point this out still deny it because they have no evidence simply because jebus will forgive you?

Anonymous said...

No, you just made that up mike. anonymous didn't say that at all. You just invented an argument and then refuted it. This is called burning a strawman. It is a logical fallacy.

God bless

Anonymous said...

No, Mike, lying is wrong. That Christians do lie does not make it right, and our Forgiveness should not be an excuse to continue to Sin.

Rom 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
Rom 6:2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

God Bless,

Mike is Wright said...

well i dont lie without the htreat of hell

Anonymous said...

MIKE said:
well i dont lie without the htreat of hell

First, are you saying that you never lie?... that you have never lied?

It must be nice to be the only person, besides Jesus, that has never lied.
I guess if you are perfect, you have no need of the Savior.

Second, you still haven't answered my questions:

According to your atheism...

What makes things actually wrong (immoral)?

What retribution does your atheism have, to correct for wrongs (immoral behaviors done to you)?

Why are you upset over lying (from anyone, including Christians)?

Why were you upset with LPoT, for her accusing you of lying?

Let me cut these into smaller pieces for you:

According to your atheism, why is lying bad?

And, last but not least, why do you think that the "threat of Hell" is the reason that I hate lies?

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, i think she overstepped her bounds, demanding an apology from you... especially since she didn't offer one to you, for her mistake..... but hey, she's human too, and since she is a Christian, her sins are forgiven by Christ.

Funny, I specifically admitted I made a mistake and he accused me of being a liar for it, when it wasn't a lie. It shows one thing... Mikey doesn't care about being honest with you or me. If he was, he wouldn't of accused me of being a liar just because of a simple mistake.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if he's not honest with me... i'm hoping we can get him to be honest with himself.

And, the comment was not meant as an attack on you. If you want to discuss it, please PM me in Tweb.
