A blog where I discuss intelligent issues and discuss rationality, logic, evidence and my non belief in sky daddies.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Evidence before the universe?
xians point to the origin of the universe as evidence for their sky daddy, so does that mean that before the universe was made they had no evidence for their sky dadys existance?
well, yes, but that would be like questioning the validity of human evolution on the basis that we had no evidence for human evolution before humans existed.
I am an intelligent young man who likes spreading evidence and reason. I have won employee of the year 5 times showing my excellence and happen to know more about th bible than your average xian.
well, yes, but that would be like questioning the validity of human evolution on the basis that we had no evidence for human evolution before humans existed.
Oh dear, Jake doesnt understand basic logic
I suppose yes, but wy would we need evidence of God's existance prior to the beginning of hte universe.
Besides, before the universe God was all that there was.
No Mike, Jake answered correctly.... go back and re-read Jake's post.
We actually have other evidence.
Ontological and transcendental arguments anyone?
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