Tuesday, 11 November 2008

A good argument I came across on youtube


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Mike.

You have me a bit confused... could you explain how that was an argument for or against anything?

Caffinated donuts... hmmm.... caffine, sugar and carbs... what a concept {as i take a drink from my 2 liter bottle of Mt. Dew...}

Have a good day. I hope the water puddles have dried up, or at least that your path today avoids wet areas close to traffic.


Mike is Wright said...

The origional video is http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tRFYfHn2kwQ

the point is that if we can make caffine donuts then we can do stuff your sky daddy cant

Anonymous said...

TAA was joking. And who says God can't make caffeine donuts. Maybe it would be better for TAA that he does not have caffeine donuts since they will likely give him a heart attack.

Anonymous said...

As a certain well know cartoon character would say:

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...cafinated dounuts...*drool*

(I cant believe I'm the first to think of that one)

Anonymous said...

Mike said: the point is that if we can make caffine donuts then we can do stuff your sky daddy cant

That God did not make something has no bearing on whether He has the ability to make something.
