Saturday, 18 April 2009

Is jebus a zombie

I was singing along with this video and I had a thought...when jebus rose from the dead did he become a zombie? and arent zombies evil?


johnny said...

hmmm... you want so badly that God doesn't exist and that Jesus is not God, that you would posit zombies as an explaination??


Sir-Think-A-lot said...

And since zombies are created from voodo magic, he would be admiting that voodo magic is real...

But yea I dont remember this part of the Bible: "And Jesus appeared before the diciples, but his body was rotting like a corpse, and he consumed the brains and intestines of Matthew and James, and then Peter took a torch and lit him on fire, and he did burn till there was no more."

Anonymous said...

C'mon STAL don't you know the Vatican destroyed all evidence of Jesus being a Zombie. I mean really haven't you been paying attention.