So A.N Wilson knew that there was no historical evidence for jebus, was friends with all the intelligent people and a top journalist. So what went wrong? It appears that just as antony flew suffered from dementures and converted to christianity A.N Wilson has done something similar. This newspaper article explains how this happens.
A.N Wilson writes:
My departure from the Faith was like a conversion on the road to Damascus. My return was slow, hesitant, doubting. So it will always be; but I know I shall never make the same mistake again. Gilbert Ryle, with donnish absurdity, called God “a category mistake”. Yet the real category mistake made by atheists is not about God, but about human beings. Turn to the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge – “Read the first chapter of Genesis without prejudice and you will be convinced at once . . . ‘The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life’.” And then Coleridge adds: “‘And man became a living soul.’ Materialism will never explain those last words.”
Now I would have thought that being friends with Richard Dawkins etc A.N Wilson would know that evolution answers this question.
At least i know that for every atheist who converts to christianity we have people like Bart ehrman and john loftus coming back the other way.
Mike said,
"Now I would have thought that being friends with Richard Dawkins etc A.N Wilson would know that evolution answers this question."The question in question is:
"“‘And man became a living soul.’ Materialism will never explain those last words.”"
Mike, as far as i know, evolution* is at a loss to explain how life came from non-life.
* i'm using the term 'evolution' to mean 'philisophical naturalism' as opposed to 'theistic evolution'
oops, sorry, i deleted too much from my disclaimer..
also as opposed to change within species.
"Mike, as far as i know, evolution* is at a loss to explain how life came from non-life."
Yet further evidence that you don't know much. I know how it happened, I'd expect MIke to know how it happened, but it would take more than a comment on a blog to explain it to somebody with no scientific background whatsoever.
Try to find the series called Earth: The Power of the Planet presented by Dr Iain Stewart. He's Scottish but teaches at a university in the States. If you can watch that series and come back and STILL tell me you believe in a god, I'll be surprised, but at least you'll have a bit more of a grounding.
Again, you're going to try to tell me that you (and Herr Professor [Stewart] ) are not biased, eh?
This is a worldview issue. They don't know how life came from non-life... it is still theories. (although, some have claimed 'nearness'.. as in, "we almost got it")
But, just to make you happy, i will look for a copy of Earth: The Power of the Planet and if i find it, i'll watch it.
And if i watch it, i'll give you my honest opinion.
This weekend i'll search blinkx and veoh... no time to watch right now. Almost bedtime.
If anyone has a link, please post.
Let me ask you fifi: is there any particular episode you would recommend. I'v managed to look up a couple of clips, facinating stuff, but I havent seen anything that shows God doesnt exist...
The Veoh one's seem to be 5 episodes of about an hour each, but in order to watch a whole hour episode, as opposed to the first 5 minutes, it looks like i have to download it. (last time i watched veoh, i was able to watch (the all the episodes of all the seasons of Sliders) as streaming video).
I'll keep looking around, as i would rather not take the time to download that large of files.
quick post..
I haven't found the video series that i can watch in streaming vid, but i did find this...
It is about microraptor. Watch it and pay particular attention to how much speculation within their preconcieved presumptions.
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