Sunday, 26 July 2009

nazi salue

somebody told me that when xians sing songs they raise there hands in a nazi salute way. more evidence that hitler was an xian...


johnny said...

somebody told you, and you believed them without proof??


Anonymous said...

No, but he has a point. The mind control element bears much resemblance. Huge rooms full of people all mindlessly following orders. [shudder]

johnny said...

Yeah, sure.... that's why we're sinners in need of a Savior. Because we do what we are told.


Anonymous said...

Zeig FAIL, Tickle my Ass, Taboo!

Anonymous said...

I have been in one of those huge rooms. Those people stand up on cue and sing on cue and empty their pocketbooks into the plate on cue. They even have karoake so they can all sing properly. Stand up, sit down, kneel, bow your heads, pass the peace, ad nauseum. If those are not mind controlled robots I do not know who is. Then the sheeple run around calling other people who do not perform the exact rituals they perform heretics and cultists.

So Saith The Velvet Evolver...