Friday, 2 April 2010

good friday?

christians call it good friday because jebus being crucified is aparently good. its this sort of thinking which led to the crusades.

i also notice that easter ocured around april fools day. its a shame they werent both on the same day.


johnny said...

Hi Mike,

Could you explain how you make a connection between Christ's dying for your sins and mine, and the thinking which led to the crusades?

Especially since, as an atheist, morals are simply neutral (therefore, the crusades could not actually be wrong in an atheist's worldview).


johnny said...

Hi again Mike,

I just got done watching a video of Sam Harris trying to show that morals are objective... since you continue to lean your objections to a moral slant, i thought you might want to discuss his video.

I saw it at:

I think he's missing several important points, but he did give me some (kinda) new things to think of.


johnny said...

Happy Resurrection Sunday, Mike.
