Saturday, 18 September 2010

Hawking disproved your sky daddy

Now as some of you may know, Steven Hawkings has proven that with gravity universes like our own will explode into being without any cause. Therefore we dont need a sky daddy. Now the maths and physics behing Hawkings thorey are a to complicated for most of the readers of my blog to understand however Hawking is a very intelligent person so if he says it then there must be good evidence to back it up. Ofcourse, many anti-science people will argue against Hawkings conclusive arguments but I would rather follow science than christian aplogists saying sorry that science has disprovoed their fairy in the sky.


johnny said...

{Hawking, 68, says in his book "The Grand Design" that, given the existence of gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. "Spontaneous creation," he writes, is the reason why the universe and humanity exist.}

That's funny... if gravity exists, then the universe did not come from nothing. Gravity is something rather than nothing. (or, if you prefer, the law of gravity is something rather than nothing)

In other words, what did the spontaneous creating? Gravity? But if gravity exists, it did the creating, and that could not be from nothing.

Mike, you said, "Now the maths and physics behing Hawkings thorey are a to complicated for most of the readers of my blog to understand ".
I'm wondering if this ignorance would also include the writer of your blog. (and, for what it's worth, ya, i have not studied math and physics to that level, so it most likely is over my head)

However, you also said, " but I would rather follow science than christian aplogists"

That's fine, no one is holding a spoon to your head.
Personally, i would rather follow the Living God who created the universe that Hawkings is trying to understand (and God created Hawkings too) than follow Hawkings say so.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

No Johnny, Gravity isn't a 'thing', its a force. There is nothing physical to it, but it has influence upon actual 'things'.

Its nice that you'd prefer to believe in a god, but a little bit 'head-in-the-sand' in the face of all the evidence.

johnny said...

Is a 'force' a non-thing?

A force is a think.


Anonymous said...

wooops, sorry, that's to say, a force is a thing.

MWM said...

i dunno mike. i think u have hawking beat with the argument from google maps.