Friday, 2 May 2008

I do it again

As unusual I accept a challenge to a debate only for the xian to run a mile when I take it up. I'm debating some xians at a particularly retarded forum called fairyweb (whoops, I mean theologyweb) You can see my debate here, here and here As you can see, they kept starting up new threads to avoid the obvious fact that they were stumped by my arguments. Indeed, if you read all of the threads you'll find rude attacks on me and anything but engaging with my arguments.

They are also a dishonest lot (they actually make clearthinker from the Richard dawkins forum look honest!) For example they have set up this fake atheist blog and pretend that they think I'm a parody as a smoke screen to avoid answering my arguments.


Drow Ranger said...

Dude you look a LOT like a parody of an atheist blog. How do I know you're not some guy who's doing this to make atheists look bad? ;)

Mike is Wright said...

Where' your evidence that I'm a parody? Stop looking for excuses to avoid dealing with my altra good arguments

Anonymous said...

Dude, whether you're a parody or not, your arguments on TWeb aren't exactly the best we've seen.

Drow Ranger said...

That last reply of yours is proof that you're a parody. I need no "excuses" as I deal with all arguments as I see fit. Your arguments SUCK, mkay kid. If I haven't dealt with one yet it's because I haven't bothered to yet because I'm not bored enough yet.

Nick said...

Do you want some cheese with that whine?

Btw, I'm still waiting for you to show me how stupid I am by, I don't know, responding to my posts?

Littlejoe9763 said...

What arguments??? When are you going to answer those of us who have replied to your arguments? It seems like your either a parody or a scaredy cat!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to say that, consider how long you've been ignoring my debate challenge over there, you fit quite well into the role of the quintessential wuss.