Thursday, 26 June 2008

Why is the universe so big?

Isnt it a bit unkind on all the planets in the universe without life on? Why did your sky daddy bother making them? Couldnt they have simply made planet earth and the universe a bit smaller? I can see several explanations:

-they are a show of making the universe bigger than they had to
-they are incompetant and made a lot of waste
-they didnt realsie that smaller is more practicle


Anonymous said...

that's funny Mike. Are you claiming to know the reason God created, and are you claiming to know God's purpose in creating in the way He created?

Think of it this way... why did the artist paint the tree red instead of green?

So, in terms of your "explanations"...

-they are a show of making the universe bigger than they had to

How big did God have to make the universe?

-they are incompetant and made a lot of waste

same as above... in fact, your "explanations" are just a repeat of your original question.

-they didnt realsie that smaller is more practicle

Again, you assume to know the reasons for God creating, and the reasons for God creating the way He did.

Psa 19:1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

So, Mike, why hasn't the universe died a heat death?
What was before the "Big Bang"?

Why is there something rather than no thing?

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

I recall you saying that you like Wikipedia AND Kersey Graves.

Perhaps you might want to look at what Wiki has to say about K. Graves.

What does this have to do with your post of the day?


I just figured that i should go back and see if there have been issues that you brought up, and we Christians have failed to address for one reason or another.

The point is, for every Christian response that you fail to address, there are at least 10 Christian responses to each of your claims...

You are doing a poor job of defending your position,,,,

and it shows to all of your readers.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

On 20 April, Mike said:

People say that god is omnipresent - that means that he can do anything he wants. Therefore if god wanted to make a rock bigger than he could lift he could lift it. But that is illogical. I would say that this troubles idiots who believe in sky daddies but in reality they proberly haven't thought about it. Unfortunately people who believe in sky daddies tend to not think and when i put this to them they admit they have never thought about it. Occasionally you get someone who claims that this is a stupid argument but what is the point in worshipping something who can't lift rocks they can't lift. Once you start down that road then what is the difference between god and me? After all I to cannot make a rock to heavy to lift and nobody worships me. Well, some might worship me but that's another story.

If you believe in sky daddies then ask yourself why you worship something that can't lift rocks to heavy for it. Maybe you should abandon your fairytale belief and become a thinking person like me.

Mike, johnny again. You were actually meaning to say, "omnipotence"... All Powerful.

I'm pretty sure that philosophers, both Christian and non-Christian, do not consider this to be a real problem. In a nutshell, the "rock to big" is a none thing, therefore, your objection self-destructs.

If you don't believe my claim, look it up for yourself.

God Bless,

Mike is Wright said...

the reason i dont normally respond to you lot is that your comments are to stupid

Anonymous said...

That's ok Mike, don't respond.

Your readers can decide whether your statements hold water, or if you are sinking like the Titanic.

God Bless,

Mike is Wright said...

Only the xian ones think my arguments are stupid, I have received some positive feedback from comments left by atheists

Anonymous said...

Care to point out a few?

Anonymous said...

i'm still looking for them Mike... would you care to point out even one of your so-called "arguments"?


Anonymous said...

i have a suggestion Mike...

When you feel that my responses are stupid, try asking some questions or make a stronger effort to point out where you disagree.

Unless you want to continue leaving responses dangling in the breeze... and in turn, leave your readers with the impression that the Christian responses are too strong for you, you owe it to yourself to give good responses (which means you may need to study).

Now, i said before that i do not want you to take my word for things... i still mean that.
But I and the other Christians visiting your blog have met your challenges... reading the links you've provided; watching the videos; and offering good responses.
If you think of yourself as honest, then interact with honesty... especially with yourself.

One last thing Mike. That positive feedback by your atheist readers... how do you know that they are honest, and not just patting you on the back because they have the same bias as you?

God Bless you Mike,

Anonymous said...

Actually Mikey, a large universe is often used by modern day apologist as proof God exist. Did you want me to run it down for you or would I just be wasting my time trying to explain complicated arguments to you?

Anonymous said...

I can see several other explanations:

-There IS life elsewhere in the universe.

-God expects us to someday travel to the rest of teh universe.

I'm sure there are others, but thats just off the top of my head.