A blog where I discuss intelligent issues and discuss rationality, logic, evidence and my non belief in sky daddies.
Saturday, 12 July 2008
hello everyone
now why does the bible say its wrong to get drunk i think its quite fun really i got drunk and i can still blog intelligent posts des[pite it. horaay those people who belives in stuff dont kow how to have fun
Get your drunken ass down to TWeb and debate me, boy!
I am an intelligent young man who likes spreading evidence and reason. I have won employee of the year 5 times showing my excellence and happen to know more about th bible than your average xian.
Get your drunken ass down to TWeb and debate me, boy!
I will drink to that!
From the shape of your posts, I thought you were always drunk.
Sorry, my bad.
I think I should wait until Mike Trite sobers up, then down a few beers and debate him.
It might just give him a fighting chance. Do you think?
Yep Mikey, playing homage to the porcelain God is sure alot of fun, huh?
Hey Mike Trite I would avoid drinking if I were you.
After all drinking kills brain cells and you dont have enough of those as it is.
Well, this explains everything.
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