A blog where I discuss intelligent issues and discuss rationality, logic, evidence and my non belief in sky daddies.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Proof your sky daddy doesn't exist...
If you sky daddy can do anything then can they exist and no exist at once? If they cannot then they cant do anything. If they can then they are illogical
not existing isn't an action, but the lack of an action retard
I see mikey is yet again too stupid to understand what the phrase 'all powerful' means. If he would to actually pick up a book on the topic he would discover that theist in general have said that God can do anything that is logically possible. Since it is not logically possible to exist and not exist, his argument does not refute the term 'all powerful' at all.
Mikey, have you been dipping into the reefer again? Because you're making about as much sense as Homer Simpson all whacked out on Medical Marijuana and his asking Ned Flanders about Jesus and his ability to nuke a burrito so hot that even He could not eat it.
Basically, idiotic things like that are illogical because they pit God's power against Himself. It would be like expecting God to prove His All-Powerfulness by erasing Himself from existence. It just doesn't work, and it does not prove that God does not exist.
I am an intelligent young man who likes spreading evidence and reason. I have won employee of the year 5 times showing my excellence and happen to know more about th bible than your average xian.
not existing isn't an action, but the lack of an action retard
God acts according to the laws of logic as they reflect his nature.
God can do anything logically possible.
Is mrfreethinker an xian pretending to be a feeethinker?
dumbass, omnipotence doesn't mean you can do the illogical.
Mike, you haven't said anything here. Would you mind rephrasing your statement in a way that it has meaning?
If it is a logically impossible action, then it is a
You are trying to present a logical contradiction, but all you've presented is nonsense.
God Bless,
p.s. In case you don't see it, i'm is stating the same thing as mrfreethinker did, from a different vantage point.
I see mikey is yet again too stupid to understand what the phrase 'all powerful' means. If he would to actually pick up a book on the topic he would discover that theist in general have said that God can do anything that is logically possible. Since it is not logically possible to exist and not exist, his argument does not refute the term 'all powerful' at all.
Mikey, have you been dipping into the reefer again? Because you're making about as much sense as Homer Simpson all whacked out on Medical Marijuana and his asking Ned Flanders about Jesus and his ability to nuke a burrito so hot that even He could not eat it.
Basically, idiotic things like that are illogical because they pit God's power against Himself. It would be like expecting God to prove His All-Powerfulness by erasing Himself from existence. It just doesn't work, and it does not prove that God does not exist.
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