Tuesday, 13 May 2008

more cherry picking from the bible

The LORD said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites: 'A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her monthly period. On the eighth day the boy is to be circumcised. Then the woman must wait thirty-three days to be purified from her bleeding. She must not touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary until the days of her purification are over. If she gives birth to a daughter, for two weeks the woman will be unclean, as during her period. Then she must wait sixty-six days to be purified from her bleeding. Leviticus 12

As you can see, the bible says that giving birth to a child is sinful, and they need to give a sacrifice in order to pay for it. It is also sexist as the woman is unclean for longer if she gives birth to a daughter than to a son. Explain that one my xian retards.


Nick said...

It's a purification offering. Not a sin offering.

Mike is Wright said...

oh, and that makes all the difference...

Anonymous said...

Are you stupid or something? There is nothing in the bible that says being unclean is the same as being sinful. Their are several reasons for this including keeping diseases from spreading. Go read a book already and stop making yourself look like an idiot.

Nick said...

Yes. It does. Your assertion is that having children was sinful. That's not why the offering was given. It was purification from the loss of blood.

You also complain about sexism. Please tell me from the atheistic perspective the moral ground for condemning sexism.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! Its amazing. eveything you say Mike is 100% wright!!! Those stupid xians want you to look at ancient historical documents in their proper context in order to see what the origianl message was. They are clearly wrong! No, I once saw this video on youtube and the guy was a historical genius who said, everything should be read as though it was written for us today! Did you know that the Bible it sexist? Yes he is, in the James Bond movies the bond girls often die, but James Bond never does! This is PROOF that God is sexist!

btw no matter what xians tell you ancient cultures were EXACTLY the same as ourrs. Ever seen the flinstones? All anceint cultures were like ours except they got dinosaurs instead of electricity to do everything.

Mike is Wright said...

It is sexist as giving birth to a daughter is seen as more unclean than giving birth to a son. if the bible were true then the morality in it would be timeless not specific to ancient sand people.

Anonymous said...


I appreciate your brightness and one day maybe I can evolve to be as bright as you. If evolution was not just a chance process you probably would want to thank evolution. I am not as bright as you and so I look to you for guidance. You speak of timeless morality. My question to you is: Has morality always been the same or has it evolved? I mean is there timeless morality or is there evolving morality? If you do not know the answer maybe you could find a historian or a youtube video that would help me.

Thanks again.

P.S. You will be glad and saddened to know that my supervisor nominated me for employee of the quarter, but they gave it to a xian who saved somebody from a machine or something. What a sham. I will get it next quarter. Evolution willing.

Mike is Wright said...

Anonymous,xians claim that we get morality from the bible but clearly we don't as otherwise we would be stoning people and going to war with the arimites. Therefore morality must come from evolution. This might answer your question (the ironey is that if it wasn't for those idiots at theologyweb I wouldn't even know about debunking christianity)

Anonymous said...

Ok Mikey, please show me the objective standard that says there is something wrong with stoning people to death please. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link. I am unable to view it right now, but I will let you know what I think when I watch it. It may answer my question, but maybe you can answer first because I am a little confused and scared. Keep in mind I am not that bright so I may need help along. Has morality always been the same or has it evolved? If morality is a process of evolution will it continue to evolve? Is the morality I possess today the morality I will always possess or will my morality progess? Will later generations look back on our generation as immoral and stupid because they are further evolved then we are? Please let me know what you think because I do not quite understand evolving morality. Thanks again for your help.

Mike is Wright said...

they will look back at our nation and wonder why we didnt get rid of religion sooner.

We use logic to work out what is right and wrong. So stoning people harms them and thus logically is immoral.

Mike is Wright said...

Oh, and has anyone else noticed that this video has the same sound track as that amazing film The God who Wasn't there.

Anonymous said...

You say that they, future generations, will look back at our nation and wonder why we did not get rid of religion sooner.

Is religion a product of evolution? If religion is a product of evolution how long do you think religion will last and what is the evolutionary purpose of religion? I mean I hope it just evolves away so there are no more dumb xians. Sometimes I think I should just quit arguing with dumb xians, because they are so stupid, and wait for evolution to do away with their ignorance.

So we use logic to work out what is right and wrong. That makes enough sense to me because I am not a stupidly dumb xian.

I am still a little confused though. I must say you have cleared up a lot of thinks for me though, but I still need help. If you help me enough maybe I can start my own blog.

Where I am confused is the process of evolution. Is it still going on. The reason is if evolution is an ongoing process. I hope it is because that would mean mankind is getting better and better all the time. That would probably be my first blog. You know there used to be Pong but now we got the WII. Man is great. I am sorry I will get back to my confusion. If everything is evovling for the better then morality and logic are changing. That being said the logical conclusion, at least as far as my evolved mind can see, would be that the next generations would be more moral and logical than I am. So that means by evolutionary standards I am immoral and illogical to future generations. How do I escape this. I know there is no Skydaddy and xians are dumb, but I am a little confused about evolution. I know you can help me.

Mike is Wright said...

Have you watched that video on Debunking Christianity and read all the comments below it yet?

Anonymous said...

Hey as far as I am concerned Xianity has been defunked or bunked or whatever that means. I am not a dumb xian. I mean like you said xians are dumb and believe in fairies so why would we listen to them? But I am still confused how evolution creates morality. I need your help Mike. I am past skydaddy I just need a proper evolutionist's worldview. How do I reconcile the fact that we are evolving so man or humankind is becoming more moral everyday and each generation is morally superior to the preceeding generation and yet I want to feel morally superior and bright. I mean I am an immoral idiot compared to future humans. I mean it is great and all that I am not as dumb as xians, but I am still dumber than people who are not yet born. What do I do.

Anonymous said...

"We use logic to work out what is right and wrong. So stoning people harms them and thus logically is immoral."

This wasn't in any philosophy books I read, perhaps you can give me a source on this? Second, doesn't it harm people to send them to jail? So should we rid the world of all jails? You should really try thinking Mikey before you speak.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Pixie you are not helping me. Do not confuse Mike. I want to know if we are evolving morally. I mean are we more moral than our forefathers? I gotta know Mike. Please help me. Will the next generation be more moral than this generation?

Anonymous said...

Well, if you believe in subjective morality, annoymous, then how could future generations be more moral than us? After all in your worldview "moraility" is merely what YOU feel, so your morality diffrers from mine. Therefore, what is "moral" is entirely for you to decide and so no one can be more moral than you, unless you believe that you yourself fail at your own morals while someone else succeds. If morality indeed does evolve to change in the future, then you would probably find them LESS moral as their moral views will probably collide with yours. You assume that Evolution brings more civilised morality each generation yet look at our modern world now. Last century held two of the bloodiest wars in history and this century looks to host many more. There is still hate, violence and conflict in this world.

btw Mike, did you know that there is a direct negative correlation between crime rate and the popularity of relgion? That is to say, the more religeous the area then generally, the less crime?

Btw I'm a Christian who probably believes in Evolution (I honestly havn't decided yet) but i disbelieve that evolution is adequate to explain the origin of morality.

Anonymous said...

"Do not confuse Mike."

Mikey gets confused rather easily. Might want to keep it simple and start with "What comes after A in the ABC?" If he answers within a week, you're doing rather good.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah. I hear you xians. There is no reason for Mike to respond to the likes of you. Mike it's me anonymous. What does anonymous mean anyway? I just chose it so the xians would not know who I am. They are so dumb. Back to my question Mike. Is morality timeless? When I say timeless I mean is it unchanging. See that is where I need your help. I really need it Mike. I mean I want to be on the frontlines fighting xians and I need to understand it. Did morality evolve which would seem like it changed or is it timeless. What is it Mike? Please help me. I got a blog name already: The Velvet Evolver. See if a dumb xian can come up with something so clever. Help me clarify morality Mike. I plead with you.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you xians."

I hear the idiot and he seems to think he knows what he's talking about. How cute!

"There is no reason for Mike to respond to the likes of you."

Awww, so he should respond to you, the intelligent skeptic! Wow thanks for dismissing anybody you disagree with by a mere wave of your hand, would it make you feel more important if we bowed before you?

"Mike it's me anonymous. What does anonymous mean anyway? I just chose it so the xians would not know who I am. They are so dumb."

Yep, I'm 'so dumb' that you can't offer a real response eh? What's the problem, did you get your butt kicked on T web and now you're on the run like Mikey here is? How cute, he thinks he knows anything about us, how amusing is that?

"I got a blog name already: The Velvet Evolver. See if a dumb xian can come up with something so clever. Help me clarify morality Mike. I plead with you"

Oh wow, such an clever blog name. *rolls eyes* How many hours did you spend in thought to come up with that one?

Anonymous said...

Lil' you have caused my beautifully evolved mind to have an exciting thought. Once Mike clears up morality and evolution for me we could have a joint blog. It would be the Velvet Evolver vs. the Dumb Xian or whatever name you choose for yourself. You have to admit though that title kind of rolls off the tongue.

Anyways I could offer brilliant critiques of the indefensible xians and you could make comments that made my job easier.

If you are game I am. We will have to wait a little while. I am working extra hard to get employee of the quarter. Mom says if I get that wonderful award she will buy me the new GTA game. I think it is highly evolved and I probably can learn something about dumb xians from it.

Think about it Pix.

Mike please clear up this morality issue for me so I can start my blog. I am going to try to get sponsorship and make a lot of money.

Like I said Pix think about it. I would give you a cut of the money. You dumb xians like money don't you. You would have more to give to the company store er I mean church.

Nick said...

Mike. I didn't ask if it was sexist or not. I asked your basis for saying sexism is wrong given evolution.

By the way, I also don't say we get morality from the Bible. I believe the Bible affirms the source we get morality from and gives us some specific revelation on morality, but there is a source other than Scripture.

Don't say what "Christians say" if you're so clueless.

Anonymous said...

"Lil' you have caused my beautifully evolved mind to have an exciting thought. Once Mike clears up morality and evolution for me we could have a joint blog."

So that two watt light bulb lit up? First time in your entire life? sorry, but I'll stick to Tweb or my own blog.

"It would be the Velvet Evolver vs. the Dumb Xian or whatever name you choose for yourself. You have to admit though that title kind of rolls off the tongue."

You know what rolls off the tongue better? Fundy atheist who got Employee of the month from BK vs. Christian who puts atheist where they belong.

That work for you? I do doubt you are a serious threat or even very informed, but it should still give me a few days of entertainment till I get bored anyway. BTW you are welcome to come to T web and play anytime you wish.

"Anyways I could offer brilliant critiques of the indefensible xians and you could make comments that made my job easier."

Go ahead and try that on T web and tell us how long it takes for your arguments to be torn to shreds. I love those who are clueless and unaware of it.

"If you are game I am. We will have to wait a little while. I am working extra hard to get employee of the quarter. Mom says if I get that wonderful award she will buy me the new GTA game."

So cheap little awards that mean nothing in the real world get you all excited? I got Airmen of the Quarter for my squadron a few years ago, so what? Those awards are eye candy and nothing more.

"I think it is highly evolved and I probably can learn something about dumb xians from it."

Me thinks you're a parody or a teen who has far too much confidence in his own abilities.

"Think about it Pix."

You're an idiot who has a min wage job at some fast food chain and you really think some employee of the month thing is a huge deal in the real world?

"Like I said Pix think about it. I would give you a cut of the money."

I get quite a bit more money from my job as an NCO in the AF than I would from some employee of the month award for BK or something like that.

"You dumb xians like money don't you. You would have more to give to the company store er I mean church."

Take a look at the latest military pay chart for E-5 at 4 years and tell me why you're extra change should make me care.

Anonymous said...

How about "Velvet Evolver vs. Guns 'n' Rosarys"?

Anonymous said...


If you believe formerly you receive the golden ticket. Please if you have received your golden ticket do not share it with the class.


Please help me wrap my mind around a morality that is timelessly evolving and I will have my answer and I can move forward into a brave new world. Can you help me Mike? I need to know so I can answer how simply evolution created a timeless morality. That is the key to my quest. Mike I know you can save me from the Christians' arguments. My faith in evolution is slipping. Please, Mike, do not forsake me now.


I like that title. You can be a guest blogger. Is Pix Catholic? It would help using the rosary in the title. I will go one better if she is Catholic. It would be:

The Velvet Evolver vs. Nuns 'n' Rosarys

Anonymous said...

"If you believe formerly you receive the golden ticket. Please if you have received your golden ticket do not share it with the class."

Does this count as a response in some circles? And no... I'm not a catholic , so keep trying.